If you mean human Damon, he is shot. He doesn't die as a vampire.
In the books, Damon dies. It hasn't happened in the show, and I hope it never does.
demon or damon? if its the fox demons yes they do die eventually. damon dies in midnight the bookbut not in the tv series hopefully
If you mean in the Vampire Diaries she doesn't. She never died. She faked her death.
No! They are still alive in the current episodes playing on tv at the moment. If stephan and damon died vampire diaries would change from one of my favorite shows to one of my leats favorite.
but if the vampire is an original then a silver knife with white ash oak will kill him nothing else. a hybrid like klaus (werewolf and vampire) are pretty impossible to kill. well you can take anything sharp and long and drive it through their hear and it either will kill them or slow them down a long time but you can also take off their ring or enchanted jewlery and let the sun burn them to a crisp.
In the books, Damon dies. It hasn't happened in the show, and I hope it never does.
No, Damon Salvatore does not die in the TV series "The Vampire Diaries". He goes through various challenges and difficulties, but ultimately he survives until the end of the show.
She doesn't die but I hear people says Damon will die but I can't believe that !!
demon or damon? if its the fox demons yes they do die eventually. damon dies in midnight the bookbut not in the tv series hopefully
If you mean in the Vampire Diaries she doesn't. She never died. She faked her death.
Coz Damon wanted a midnight snack! "yummy"
He doesn't die... As to how he became a vampire, he had Katherine's blood in his system when he died (his dad, Giuseppe Salvatore, shot him and Damon) in 1864.
No! They are still alive in the current episodes playing on tv at the moment. If stephan and damon died vampire diaries would change from one of my favorite shows to one of my leats favorite.
No he will not, because Stefan saves him. He finds a cure (or will it be too late).
but if the vampire is an original then a silver knife with white ash oak will kill him nothing else. a hybrid like klaus (werewolf and vampire) are pretty impossible to kill. well you can take anything sharp and long and drive it through their hear and it either will kill them or slow them down a long time but you can also take off their ring or enchanted jewlery and let the sun burn them to a crisp.
Yes, Isabel dies in The Vampire Diaries. She is killed by Mikael, who is hunting down vampires.