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Q: Does Dick Clark Productions have film of the American Bandstand daily shows for sale?
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To keep up with the latest fashion teens tuned in daily to American bandstand on television?


To keep up with the latest fashion trends teens tuned in daily to American Bandstand on television?


What is the name of Clark Kent's newspaper the Daily news or the daily planet?

The name of Clark Kent's newspaper is the Daily Planet.

Who was clark kent's boss of the daily planet?

Clark Kent's boss at the Daily Planet was Perry White. In earlier Superman comics, Clark and Lois worked for editor George Taylor at the Daily Star.

Who hires Lewis and Clark?

the daily planet.

For which newspaper did Superman work?

As an adult, in Metropolis, Clark Kent works for the Daily Planet (newspaper), as a the daily planet in metropolis

What was the name of Clark Kents paper?

"Daily Planet"

What are the release dates for The Daily Show - 1996 Wesley Clark - 12.117?

The Daily Show - 1996 Wesley Clark - 12.117 was released on: USA: 19 September 2007

Welcher comic-held arbeitet als Clark Kent beim daily planet?

Superman arbeitet als Clark Kent beim Daily Planet.

What was the daily basis on the Lewis and Clark expedition?

The daily routine on the Lewis and Clark expedition involved traveling by boat or on foot through challenging terrain, mapping out the land, recording scientific observations, hunting and gathering food, and establishing relationships with Native American tribes. The group faced various challenges such as harsh weather conditions, difficult terrain, and limited food supplies.

In Superman what was the name of Kent Clark's paper?

The Daily Planet

What are the release dates for The Daily Show - 1996 Anthony Clark 5-65?

The Daily Show - 1996 Anthony Clark 5-65 was released on: USA: 30 November 2000