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No it does not

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Q: Does Eris have a tilted axis?
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Is a axis flat or tilted?

axis on what? the earth? if yes its tilted

How many degrees is the earth tilted on it axis?

The earth is always tilted on its axis. It is about 23.5o

What the tilted axis on the Earth?

The Earth's axis is tilted by about 23.5 degrees.

Does Pluto have its axis tilted?

Plutois tilted 122.5 degrees on its axis.

Why are the seasons reversed in the northern and southern hemisphere?

Because Earths axis is tilted.

What is caused by your tilted axis and your orbit?

The seasons are caused by the tilted axis and orbit. The axis is tilted with respect to its orbital plane.

What is the earth slightly tilted on?

it is tilted on its axis

WHICH SIDE the axis of the earth is tilted?

The Earth spins about its axis. That defines the Earth's axis. It is the axis of spin that is tilted. If the Earth were not spinning it would not have an axis.

How long it take to Eris rotate on its axis?

Eris takes approximately 550 Earth years to rotate on its axis.

What if the earth was not tilted on its axis?

if the earth wasn't on tilted on it's axis there wouldn't be any seasons

Why don't we have seasons if the axis is tilted?

On the contrary, we have seasons precisely because the Earth's axis is tilted.

What if the earth's axis was tilted on its side?

In a way, the Earth's axis IS tilted on its side, that's why we have seasons.