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Yes he does. I forget wich episode though. I've seen everyone

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Q: Does Koga ever hug Kagome
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What episode did kagome hug inuyasha in front of koga?

I think the episode was 117! hope this helps!

Do koga and kagome kiss?


Does kagome kiss koga?


When Naraku gave Koga a sacred jewel shard and Kagome had to purify it to save him. What episode of InuYasha does Kagome save Koga?

there is none. kagome hates him in the next bit.

Does Koga ever try to kiss Kagome?

No, they do not. Koga likes Kagome but she only thinks of him as a friend... She loves Inuyasha. Kagome only kisses Inuyasha once(?) in the original series and once in a movie... She's not the type to 'make out' with just anyone.

What Inuyasha episode does koga and kagome kiss?

They never kissed.They hate eachother.thay kiss in movie 2 but im not telling why that would by giving it away

Why does Inuyasha hate koga?

inuasha feels the same way kagome does when kikyo is around him which makes him jealous of koga even though kagome really doesnt like koga in that way only as a friend

Does koga love kagome?

It's kind of an obvious question, yes Koga DOES love Kagome. He says it so many times that you will eventually realize that be basically says it all the time. Yes, Koga did make a promise to Ayame, but that was before he met Kagome

When does koga leave the anime?

i think its episode 84 koga's bride to be.

What episode did koga steal kago me?

it was episode 37 that koga stole kagome. ( not kago me. but it was probably an accident)

What ep r koga in on Inuyasha?

Koga is in many episodes after episode 36 which is where he enters and kidnaps kagome

What inuyasha episode does koga try to kiss kagome?

He never does.