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No, deflation results in the formation of desert pavement.

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Q: Does deposition result in the formation of desert pavement?
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Which of these is the result of a spring forming in a desert region?

A spring in a desert is usually responsible for the formation of an oasis.

What are the factors that result in desert formation and their impact on the social and biophysical aspects of the environment?

To answer the factors in the formation of deserts as landforms we need to understand how lands are formed, i.e., internal factors (endogenous forces) and external factors (exogenous forces). Internal factors refer to plate movement caused by convectional current and external factors referring to weathering, erosion and deposition, as well as human intervention. However, desert formation also relates closely to the other external factors such as climate, oceanal currents, rain shadow, etc.The answer to the second question "how these factors affect social and biophysical aspects on desert environment" could be related by asking ourselves a questions whether 'deserts are really deserted or not?'. These deal with the understanding of survival of human as well as plants and animals in desert environment. (djoe merlin)

What causes deposition to increase?

The word deposition refers to the action of giving or showing evidence. It can also mean that someone deposes someone else.

The rust colored tint of some desert landscapes is the result of?

The result of the rust colored tint of desert landscapes are to show chemical weathering. This is shown on a map.

When land becomes more desert like as a result of a change in climate or human activity what occurs?

The process is called desertification.

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What makes a desert pavement different from a sand dune?

Desert pavement is the result of deflation - fine materials being removed by agents of erosion. Sand dunes are the result of deposition of fine materials by the wind.

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Erosion and deposition may eventually result in the formation of sedimentary rock.

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A spring in a desert is usually responsible for the formation of an oasis.

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Is the kettle a result of erosion or deposition?

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kettle is a result of erosion though the material is an ancient deposition

Are dunes deposition?

Yes. Since dunes are the result of erosion, they are categorized as deposition.