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No, the process of freeze thaw requires the sun to dry the ground and create cracks in the ground, when it rains and then freezes, the cracks face too much pressure from expansion as water freezes, so it blasts rock off to release the pressure. The key bit here is that it requires heat from the sun and rain; which Antarctica doesn't really have.

What happens instead is ice-calving. This link should give some helpful information to your query.

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Q: Does freeze thaw action happen in the antarctic?
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Why doesn't the freeze-thaw cycle happen in Antarctica?

The freeze-thaw cycle does happen in Antarctica, but the thaw is never complete.

Why freeze-thaw is unlikely to happen in deserts?

Although in the desert it does drop to the minuses in temperature there is not enough moisture in the air for any freeze thaw.

Were is freeze thaw most likely to happen?

it is most likely to happen at night when it is cold, it will happen on the face of a rock or cliff where water can get into the cracks.

How does freeze thaw action occur?

This occurs when at night time water may get inside a rock and then freeze the cool climate freezes the water into ice.

What does freeze-thaw mean?

it's when water freezes between the joints (vertical line weaknesses on rocks) and melt again, this action creates the spaces between the joints to get bigger and eventually the rock is separated from its original peace. this is freeze thaw.

What is the opposite of thaw?


What is the four letter opposite of freeze?

Answer melt there u have it

What is freeze -thaw action?

Freeze-thaw action is when water seeps into a crack in a rock, as the temperature drops below freezing, the water freezes and expands causing the crack to enlarge. The ice then melts into water again as the temperature rises above 0 degrees C. This action is repeated until the rock breaks.

What kind of rocks affect freeze thaw action?

all types bt only in the coldest area of the world. another word for this is dominant.

How long does freeze thaw weathering take?

Please can someone tell me how long the freeze thaw process takes on a rock, thanks :) xx

Can you make a sentence with thaw in?

The freeze thaw is very common up in the high mountains. :)

Freeze-thaw is an example of?

chemical weathering