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Sorry to say that i think it does. I am going though the same thing at the moment and I have done before too

I would like to add to this- For several months I had been having longer, heavier, clotting and painful periods. I finally went and had an ultrasound at the advice of my OB/GYN and it turned out to be a fibroid/ polyp on my uterine wall. I had to have surgery (hysteroscopy and D&C) to have it removed and I have had no problems since. I know you are trying to avoid going to the doctor but I am SOOOO glad I did. I went from debilitating cramps and heavy clotting to practically normal periods in one day surgery. It's not cheap (surgery never is) but it was worth every penny to me.

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Q: Does it mean I had a miscarriage If I bled painful big chunks of bloody mucus along with a long clear film like substance?
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What do blood clots in a miscarriage look like?

I had a miscarrage and a d and c. I have been having blot clots. They look like chunks of dark jelly or chunks of liver. I was 8wks

What are the synonyms for soup?

there is only one synonym--- delicious substance of chunks and liquids.

If you were on your period and you were bleeding chunks of blood the size of a jellybean dous this mean you had a misscariage or can this be normal?

this is very normal. the chunks are actually clots. Depending on your age, and frequency of your period this can be normal. But if you are worried it is a miscarriage, (you would not of had your period for awhile unless you have just become pregnant) go see a doctor to make sure.

What would the discharge look like if you had a miscarriage?

It depends how far along you are, but in very early pregnancy, it would be just like a period only it could be thicker or have chunks in it, and you usually would have more cramping.

Is peanut butter heterogenous or homogenous?

Heterogeneous. It doesn't make one single, consistent substance (it still has chunks in it) so it couldn't be homogeneous.

Is chunky peanut butter heterogeneous or homogenous?

Heterogeneous. It doesn't make one single, consistent substance (it still has chunks in it) so it couldn't be homogeneous.

Is Chunky peanut butter a homogeneous or a heterogeneous?

Heterogeneous. It doesn't make one single, consistent substance (it still has chunks in it) so it couldn't be homogeneous.

Is chunks an adjective?

No, chunks is a noun. Chunky would be an adjective.

When was Blow'n Chunks created?

Blow'n Chunks was created in 1984.

Why is my period blood chunky?

Menstrual flow isn't just blood, the blood is actually secondary to the main waste material: uterine tissue. Basically the chunks are pieces of the uterine lining itself, or may be lumps of bloody mucus.

Is chunks a noun?

Yes, "chunks" is a noun. It refers to pieces or portions of something that are large or substantial in size.

Are the big chunks called icebergs?

No. Chunks are what come off icebergs.