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Q: Does ocean state job lot have monster high dolls for sale today?
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Related questions

How many monster high doll are there?

over a thosand dolls are in stores today

State you can find Plymoth Rock in today?

in the bottom of the ocean

Do they sell pillow pets at Ocean State Job Lot?

I went to an Ocean State Job Lot today in Danver's Mass. and they had the cat pillow pet for 7 Dollars! Sadly, that was the only animal!

How is porcelain still used today?

To make Porcelain dolls.

What is the mission statement for Barbie dolls?

What I have come across are the following. Barbie Dolls are put out by the company Mattel.Mattel Vision Statement:"To be the premier Toy Brands - today and tomorrow. "Mattel Slogan: "Today and Tomorrow."

What did the Kwakiutls do?

play with dolls just like kids today

Who sells Monster High bedding?

You can buy custom beds made for dolls on Ebay, Etsy, etc. but if you want the real beds from mattel I think you can get them at Walmart, definitely Toys R Us, not sure about Target and Kmart, because I went to my locak Kmart today and they had no beds. But you can look online and you can find the beds online, or buy custom beds made for specific dolls.

When were Barbie dolls made in the US?

Barbie dolls were never made in the USA. The first Barbie dolls were manufactured in Japan in 1959. Today, Barbies are manufactured in China, Taiwan and Indonesia.

Do encient Egyptian have toys?

they had games and dolls, not like the game's and doll's we have today though.

What did American Girl originally call the Just Like you dolls?

Well, AG used to call them girls of today. Along with the name they also changed most of the dolls too.

Are paper dolls still available to buy?

Paper dolls have been popular with young girls for many years. While not as readily available today, paper dolls still can be purchased online, at crafts stores and some regular toys stores.

How does your gender affect the person you are today?

girls like dolls. boys like action figures