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Actually i heard that there is another book like The Bible and its said:"No one can predict Doomsday that only god knows".

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Q: Does the Bible say that no one can predict doomsday?
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Where does it say in the Bible that no one can predict doomsday?

But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.-Matthew 24:36-

What is the date of the next doomsday?

Hopefully there will be no doomsday, but some say it will be Dec. 21 2012. Lies! It says in the real bible that God clearly didnt want anybody to predict when he would come. So if you hear stuff like the may 21 2011 things dont belive it!

Does the Bible predict Hitler?

The bible does not exactly predict Hitler, himself. But it does predict the coming of a social tyrant, the antichrist that comes and rules and created peace for 3 1/2 years and then makes it hell for the other 3 1/2 years, the tribulation. Some may say that the Bible did predict Hitler, but it does not say in the Bible at all, his name or the Natzi's but there is a scenario in the Bible where God mentions the tribulation. If you read revolation then you will come across it. Hitler isn't mentioned in the bible.

Will 2012 doomsday happen?

No, the predicted doomsday event in 2012 did not occur. It was based on a misinterpretation of the Mayan calendar. The world continues to exist as it did before.

How many does the bible say will inherit Gods kingdom?

im saying that u meant how many days until gods kindom is inherited .... it does not have a year day or hour .. no one can predict it only god knows

What do the word predict mean?

To predict is to say what will happen or what you think will happen.

What does the bible say to do about a marriage with no sex?

No word on this. But the Bible does say that the married man and woman are now "one flesh". (Ephesians 5.31)

What does it mean when we say physics can predict?

It means if you know the initial conditions for a certain process using the certain kind of equations you kind predict what will have in one second, one hour, virtually any time.

Will there be a 2014?

it's yes and no because people say 12/22/2012 is a doomsday

Was the doomsday book violent?

Depends on what doomsday book your are talking about, but the doomsday book that was written as an article after the Russians and Americans had stock piles of nukes, they created the doomsday clock essentialy when it hits tweelve, doomsday would happen where all the nukes would destroy mankind. Now, the doomsday books for religion is most certianly violent, talking about the suffering and deaths of those who do not accept Christ. the story goes on and more detail but yes it is violent. no to violent i would say if it were to be aired on tv it would be like tv14 rating.

What was the doctor about to say at the end of doomsday on Doctor Who?

At the end of Doomsday David Tennant's Doctor was saying 'Rose Tyler, I Love You' . If you can lipread what he says when he is supposed to have lost the connection he actually mouthed the words

Is there any scientific evidence that doomsday is going to occur in 2012?

Answer:Some say that the ancient Mayan calendar could be interpreted as saying that the world will end in 2012. This is the only 'evidence' we have. Otherwise, we can be confident that the world will continue for a few more billion years, just as it has already continued for over four billion years.Answer:Since 2012 has come and gone, it's evident that "doomsday" didn't happen. Did it?In any event, the word "doomsday" is a term coined by man... not the Bible. Yet, both the Bible and Science suggest the portent of global "doom" is a very real possibility.Science, of course, together with man's creativity [in this case, man's creative ability to destroy] has produced the "tools" whereby "doomsday" constantly looms on the global horizon.Man's discovery and manipulation of the "atom" has resulted, just in this one "scientific" area alone, his ability to destroy planet earth many times over. And this doesn't even include the additional perils of his scientific advances in biological and chemical warfare.Yet, 2012 has come and gone... and no "doomsday."