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Very funny you asked as a matter of fact, it does. One is referred to as polypious persistous.

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Q: Does uranus have any asteroids around it?
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Are there any asteroids from mars?

No. Many asteroids, including a variety of extremely large ones, do, however, originate from Uranus.

Does Uranus orbit any planets?

No, Uranus does not orbit around any plants. Uranus doesorbit around the sun.

How did Uranus get its tilt?

One theory is that Uranus got hit multiple times by objects such as asteroids.

What sites will you see on the way from Earth to Uranus?

asteroids and comets!

How many stars does Uranus?

Uranus is a planet. It does not have any stars. Like Earth, it orbits around the Sun, which is a star. The Sun does not belong to any planet.

How did Uranus' rings get the way they are?

Scientists believe that while the universe was forming, the asteroids were just forming the asteroid belt when suddenly, an asteroid smacked into Uranus, tilting it on its side.

Is there any asteroids in any mueseum's?

yes but they are only fake and not real asteroids

Has uranus ever got caught on fire?

Yes when the asteroids once crashed into it about 3,000 billion years ago.

What are asteroids and where are they located?

Asteroids are bits of rock floating around in space.

How many holes does Uranus have?

The planet Uranus would have no holes. Uranus's composition is around 83% hydrogen, 15% helium and 2% methane. These are all gases and Uranus is basically a giant atmosphere. Therefore, without a surface, Uranus wouldn't have any holes.

Does Uranus have any dust storms?

no there are not any storms on uranus

Does Uranus have rings around it at all?

yes,there are 11 rings around Uranus.