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Evaporation is absolutely better facilitated by warmer, drier air. There's a limit to how much water air can hold, and warm air can hold much more than cold air. That's why water condenses out of the air when chilled, like when it comes in contact with an ice cold beverage. That's also why the relative humidity is highest during the coldest part of the day and lowest during the warmest part of the day. Relative humidity and dew point are measures of air's moisture content. Relative humidity is the ratio, given as a percentage, of the air's moisture content compared to what it's capable of holding. It's directly related to the dew point, which is the temperature to which you would need to chill the air in order to drive its relative humidity to 100%.

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Q: Does water evaporate faster in moist refrigerator air or room temperature dry air?
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Moist noodles mold at a worrying rate. Much faster than apples. Lots of love and best wishes Denise Sunflow

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