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no weeds dont need water. if you water them the will grow bigger! just pick them or spray them with weed killer! you can buy that at most stores like lowes and homedepot! also at some walmarts and targets!!

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Q: Does weeds need water
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Why does pulling out weeds in a garden help vegetable grow?

Weeds take the water from the soil plants need to grow. Some weeds even take nutrients directly from a plant.

What harm can weeds do to crop if they grow together?

Weeds reduce farm and forest productivity, theyinvade crops, smother pastures and in some cases can harm livestock. They aggressively compete for water, nutrients and sunlight, resulting in reduced crop yield and poor crop quality.Dec 18, 2014

Why do you need to remove weeds of plant?

Because 'weeds' taake a lot of the nutrients from the soil - without actually giving anything beneficial back. Removing the weeds means the intended plants get as much of the nutrition from the soil as they need.

How often do weeds need to be watered?

Not at all or about every 10 days is how often weeds need to be watered. Weeds require little care since they survive such environmental stresses as drought and tolerate low-moisture soils.

How do you grass in Doodle God?

water + earth = swamp swamp + energy = life water + life = weeds swamp + weeds = moss earth + moss = grass

Are people and fish are really the only creatures that need water?

No! Of course not! All living things need water! Elephants, lions, cats, dogs, flowers, weeds, trees, frogs, snails, gorillas, monkeys...etc.

Do weeds need the rain?

Yes. All plants need rain.

List five reasons why weeds are harmful in agriculture?

Weeds compete with crops for sunlight, nutrients, and water, reducing crop yield. Weeds can harbor pests and diseases that can spread to crops. Weeds can reduce the quality of harvested crops by contaminating them with weed seeds or toxins. Weeds can be a host for crop diseases and pathogens, spreading them to healthy crops. Weeds can increase production costs by requiring additional labor and resources for control.

Is the yield of beetroots affected by weeds?

The yield of ANY crop is affected by weeds. While you can't always see the effects, the weeds are stealing crop nutrients and water from the crop.

How you make grass in god doodle?

water + earth = swamp swamp + energy = life water + life = weeds swamp + weeds = moss earth + moss = grass

What do weeds need for survival?

7 3.65 m

What are the release dates for Water Passing Through Weeds - 2006?

Water Passing Through Weeds - 2006 was released on: USA: 15 June 2006 (Minneapolis, Minnesota) (premiere)