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Q: During the final church scene was Reverend Sonya Ellerbe playing the song God is tryna Tell You Something.?
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The reverend in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is Reverend Sykes. He is a respected figure in the African American community in Maycomb and plays a supportive role during Tom Robinson's trial. He is known for his wisdom and integrity.

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Reverend Hale was the Puritan pastor during the Salem Witch Trials. He told the witches to confess falsely in order to save their lives.

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The black Reverend and Dill are with Scout and Jem. They all sit in the first row of the balcony. When Atticus leaves the courtroom, the Reverend insists that Jem and Scout stand in respect for their father.

What is the song playing during the FBI party in Live and Die In Dixie?

It wasn't a real song. It was something composed strictly for the episode.

Which biblical story does Reverend Brown recite during his town prayer meeting?

The story of how the world was created. (aka Creation)

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In The Crucible, Reverend Hale was called to Salem during the Witch Trials. He was there to see if he could uncover any evidence of witchcraft.

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To keep tack during your shuffle board game, it depends where your disk lands, the one that is farthest away from the playing end and within the lines does better during the round. There is usually a chalkboard or something to keep track of the score.