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15th Century


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Q: During which century did Europeans begin to search by sea for a new route to Asia looking for trade wealth and territory?
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Why did Europeans begin exploring?

during the 16th century, Europe was looking for a trade roe to India..... also over crowded and too many blacks

During which year did europeans begin to search for a northwest passage?

in the 16th century (1500-1600)

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It depends what time period. During the time of First Century BC, China influenced Europeans with new inventions. (Compass, fireworks) etc. But during the latest centuries, Europeans influenced the chinese with military stuff. (Aircraft etc.)

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He was looking for new territory for the King of England. ( King Henry the 7th ) By: Lauren .M.

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The best place to writings about the United States made by Europeans in the 17th century or before is to visit a local library. Ask the librarian how to find the books needed.

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The first known Europeans to reach the Americas were the Vikings (Norse) during the 11th century, who established several colonies in Greenland.

What does the excerpt suggest about European imperialism during the late 19th-century?

You need to answer this question because we don’t have the excerpt nor do we do homework. Your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills.

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Because the europeans wanted to control natural resources found there

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Ottoman taxes and restrictions on trade in its territory encouraged Europeans to seek new trade routes to Asia.

Which European country had the largest global empire during the nineteenth century?

BRITAIN had the largest global empire, both in territory and in population.