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3 to 4 million years ago

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Q: Earliest human-like creatures hominids existed in Africa as early as?
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How long has tuberculosis existed in hominids?

since 1882

How long have humans been evolving?

Homo sapiens, as a species, have existed for about 300,000 years. Hominids as a whole have existed for about 14,000,000 years.

Did humans exist before 14000 years ago?

Yes, definitely. Scientists have found certain evidence that modern humans existed more than 200,000 years ago. They say that the earliest hominids evolved around seven million years ago.

How long have libraries existed?

Libraries have existed almost as long as writing. One of the earliest libraries was the Sumerian library. A lot of the earliest libraries were royal libraries, ones that were owned by the government.

Humanlike primates of 4 to 6 million years ago?

Most scientists believe our common ancestor existed 5 to 8 million years ago. Then two species broke off into separate lineages, one ultimately evolving into gorillas and chimps, the other evolving into early humans called hominids.

Where was the sundial clock made?

The earliest known sundials existed in ancient Egypt. The earliest description of a sundial is from the Old Testament of the Bible.

Did vampires exists now in India?

they never existed, they are mythological creatures.

What is the earliest known date the cello existed?

The first cello was made in the 1500s.

What marine creatures lived during the Jurassic period?

Marine creatures like sharks existed in the Jurassic. Marine reptiles like icthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and thalattosuchians also existed. Thalattosuchians are fully marine reptiles.

What creatures inhabited the earth before God created man?

The earliest creatures on earth were micro-organisms that existed over one billion years ago. For many millions of years, the only life forms were fish and other marine creatures. Eventually, some fish evolved to be capable of spending time out of water, much as lungfish do today, and these evolved into the earliest amphibians. Then came the age of dinosaurs, both the Jurassic period (205-141 million years ago) and the Cretaceous period which followed. We tend to think of dinosaurs as giant, lumbering creatures, but fossils have been found of dinosaur species smaller than a chicken, and the is no reason to believe that these were the very smallest dinosaurs ever. This was also a time when reptiles such as crocodiles evolved, as well as insects, spiders and many other creatures. After the extinction of the last dinosaurs, mammals were able to flourish. Many thousands of species have existed. One of the last creatures to inhabit the earth was man.

Where can Gryphons be found?

Nowhere. They never existed. Gryphons are myths and imaginary creatures.

How did dragons die out on earth?

Dragons, as depicted in fables, have never existed. They are fantasy creatures.