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Radiant and gravitational Energy.

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Q: Earths nearest star radiates what type of energy?
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Is the sun actually earths nearest star?

Yes, the sun (also known as Sol) is the nearest star to earth. Its our solar systems star.

How far away from the sun is the earths nearest star?

There's no such thing as "earth's" star. The nearest star that's not the sun is Proxima Centauri, roughly 4.4 light years away.

What happens in the core of the star?

Nuclear fusion does. The nuclei (nucleuses) of 2 or more atoms join into a single nucleus, which releases a comparatively enormous amount of energy. This process is the source of the energy that a star radiates.

Where does all of the earths energy come from?

From a close star called the sun

Why is sun classified as a star?

Because it is a large mass of gas that radiates its own energy in large quantities by an internal nuclear process.

What is one way in which the sun and planets are different?

They are different because they have different atmospheres to the Sun. The main difference is that the Sun is a star which radiates energy and the planets are cold bodies which do not produce energy.

Why is a white dwarf considered a dead star?

A white dwarf is not considered a "dead star." It is considered a dying star, but not dead yet. A white dwarf is at its smallest state and could become a supernova when its center runs out of fuel to burn.

Why isn't Pluto a star?

A star is a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy from thermonuclear reactions in its interior. Pluto is classified as a dwarf planet, a planet being a large celestial body that orbits a star and does not radiate any large amounts of nuclear energy. The star Pluto orbits in the Solar System is our Sun.

Where is some of the light that radiates from a star come from?

I call it star light. Some more erudite folks might refer to it as stellar electromagnetic radiation.

What does some of the light that radiates from a star do?

Is absorbed by elements in a stars atmosphere

What is a three letter word for the earths star?

Sun, the Sun is the Earths 'star'

Which star is nearest to planet Earth?

I'll have to say that Earth's nearest star is the Sun............... I know for sure that mercury's closest star is the Sun ( The Sun is a Star) Yes the nearest star is the sun