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Q: English kings granted colonial charters because they believed colonies would?
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The Bill of Rights used ideas from what legal documents?

Each state's Bill of Rights English charters Colonial grants (All of the above)

The English believed that colonies would?

All of the above

What colonial region was largely English puritan?

New England colonies

How did french colonies profit in the US during the colonial America?

They ate the English

In what ways was democracy limited in Colonial America?

Democracy was limited in colonial America because of the colonial system. The people in the colonies had no right to representation in the English Parliament.

Where did a colonial baker get their tools?

They get it by buying or trading goods from England or other English colonies.

What had the greatest infuence over the evelopment of the colonies in America?

English law, religion, and government. The English were the largest population in the colonies and the charters were issued by the King and the first governors were English. The 44 men who were involved in the Declaration were from mainly English parents and Jefferson used the ideas of Englishman John Locke.

Why do WE have 3 colonial regions?

We have three colonial regions because the Middle Colonies used to be Dutch, until the English conquered them. England had developed the New England and Southern Colonies seperated by the Dutch Colonies (Middle Colonies) in between them. They sort of stayed seperate regions once the middle part of the East Coast became English territory.

English colonial governors were elected by the colonists in which type of colony?

charter colonies

Most English colonies in America during the 1700s were governed by?

a colonial legislature and a royal governor.

What form of colonial government had disappeared from all the English colonies by the time of the Revolutionary War?

Parlimentary tradition

What is the name of a colonial rebellion involving English farmers who where against the govnerment in the Southern Colonies?

shay's rebellion