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naruto is an orphan who has the nine-tailed fox demon in him. it was placed in side him to save the village of Konoha. as he got older everybody shunned him and hated him. iruka sensei was his only true friend. but as he became a ninja he started to gain more and more friends. so far he is very happy and content. he lives by the dream that he will be hokage.

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Q: Give Naruto's story in TV show Naruto?
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When Naruto is fighting pain does Narutos dad show up?

yes he does but he shows up when he was about to ripp the seal off of his jinchuuriki

Does naruto have a sister called naruko?

You know, im not sure of the name. But watch Naruto Movie 4 The Lost Towers. Watch it all the way to the end of the credits. The princess in the show, sara, is narutos mom i believe. (Trying my best to avoid movie spoilers) After everything in the movie is resolved, there is a young girl that appears before naruto that is, so she says, the daughter of the past queen of that land. Which would be sara, narutos mom. They don't come out and say its her mom, but at the end credits, it shows the 4th hokage and his wife who looks IDENTICAL to the princess sara, just looks slightly older......and pregnant. So if im right, then the girl at the end of the show, before the credits, is narutos sister. But they never said her name, but that's what i learned from the show.

Is Naruto rpc a show?

Naruto rpc is not a show, Naruto rpc's are Naruto pictures that are edited. Like I have Naruto rpc's on my photobucket It shows pictures that are edited to make a new character.

Who is Jaraiya off the show Naruto?

if u ask me,he is just a active toad sage, pervy sage, one of the 3 senin shinobi,always likes to look at womans every second,minute and hour.Pervy Sage, Jiraiya is Naruto Sensei and a best friends. He is also sort of a father to Naruto

When does Naruto learn the wind rasen-shuriken in Naruto kizuna drive?

To get rasenshuriken you need chapter 16 finished on your story then beat the mission show up from it (s rank 1) then another mission will pop up beat it and you get it.

Related questions

When will they talk about Narutos father in the show Naruto?

They talked about him in the manga but that's way in the story so it wont appear in the anime for a long time.

When Naruto is fighting pain does Narutos dad show up?

yes he does but he shows up when he was about to ripp the seal off of his jinchuuriki

Will Naruto ir anybody from Narutos show be a nano in fusion fall?

no way iv gone on fusion fall and all the nanos r from cartoon network

What is Narutos religion?

I don't actually think that the show has a religion, unless you count the ninja-way as a religion. it has many religions naruto's religion is the will of fire which is a mix between Buddhism and Christianity mostly Christianity ...

Who is the Main Character in Manga Series Naruto Shippuden?

Naruto Shippuden, continues the story of Naruto.The title of the show is named after the main character, Naruto (an eponym).

How do you get Naruto's body chakra?

naruto has huge amount of chakra he gets chakra :from the nine tailed fox

What is better Naruto or Bleach?

they are both very good but naruto is longer and the story is good all the way through(minus a few of the fillers). but the anime of bleach is mostly fillers with a few fights here and there. Naruto has way more action. They also put more effort into their animation. Naruto by far. It's a more entertaining show. Its kinda funny and the action is really cool. Naruto Shippuden has a really great story.

Is Naruto better than bleach?

Naruto by far. It's a more entertaining show. Its kinda funny and the action is really cool. Naruto Shippuden has a really great story.

What episode does Hinata give flower to naruto when he was in the hospitall?

Episode 78 is the episode in which Hinata gives flowers to Naruto when he was in the hospital. The show Naruto is directed by Hayato Date and it is quite popular in Japan.

Does naruto have a sister called naruko?

You know, im not sure of the name. But watch Naruto Movie 4 The Lost Towers. Watch it all the way to the end of the credits. The princess in the show, sara, is narutos mom i believe. (Trying my best to avoid movie spoilers) After everything in the movie is resolved, there is a young girl that appears before naruto that is, so she says, the daughter of the past queen of that land. Which would be sara, narutos mom. They don't come out and say its her mom, but at the end credits, it shows the 4th hokage and his wife who looks IDENTICAL to the princess sara, just looks slightly older......and pregnant. So if im right, then the girl at the end of the show, before the credits, is narutos sister. But they never said her name, but that's what i learned from the show.

Who was narutos moms teacher?

Manga didnt show her detailed history. So no one knows.

Which is better bleach or Naruto?

Naruto and Bleach are both very good anime/mangas, but personally I prefer Naruto over Bleach.Bleach, because of the girls.