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Q: How any shoulder buddies are there?
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Related questions

Where can you get shoulder buddies?

Online or at the airport!!!!

When are the next bunch of shoulder buddies coming out?

No one knows but....... The limited adition is out. only online

What are all the Disney buddies films called?

Air Buddies, Snow Buddies Santa Buddies, Spooky Buddies

What are all the Buddies movies?

The Buddies movies are; Snow Buddies Santa Budies Space Buddies Air Buddies and The Retrievers

Why is air bud and molly not in space buddies and santa buddies?

Santa buddies and space buddies mostly talks only about the buddies

What are all the air buddies movies in order?

air buddiessnow buddiesspace buddiessanta buddiesspooky buddiestresure buddies

A plural possessive noun for buddies?

The plural possessive of buddies is buddies' , for example, Those are my buddies' cars.

Where is the shoulder on a tiger?

A tiger's shoulder is where any other animal's shoulder is -- where the forearm joins the chest.

How many air buddies movies are there?

So Far, there has been 6 Buddies Movies. These are:Air BuddiesSnow BuddiesSpace BuddiesSanta BuddiesSpooky BuddiesTreasure BuddiesThere is also a rumor for the 6th installment of the Buddies films, Spy Buddies.

What breed are the Santa buddies?

the santa buddies(air buddies)are golden retrievers.

What are words that describe a best friend?


Where can you watch Santa buddies?

block buster or video easy any of the kind