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OK. these might not be great answers but here are a few that I found out-

* heavy

*hard to steer

* usually had 3 wheels

*a boiler filled with water * it was steam powered

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11y ago
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10y ago

The cars of 50 years ago and earlier were designed to be functional, stylish and attractive. They were often marketed as a sexy form of transportaion with a lot of horsepower, sleek design and other features to attract people who knew little about how an automobile works. With the availability of cheap fuel, the concept of efficiency was not relavent. They were built with a steel frame chasis and metal bodies that offered some protection to passengers in a collision. There was no thought given to what came out of the exhaust system of a car resulting in increased air polution. Without laws requiring them, seat belts and special car seats to protect children were not a consideration. Seeing a car driven with a child on the lap of a front seat passenger or even a drivers lap was not unusual.

Cars today have to conform to more rules regarding safety, clean air and fuel efficiency. To improve fuel efficiency, the chassis design was replaced by a unibody construction with many more body parts made of lighter plastic instead of metal. The engine and drive train have changed to use lighter material such as aluminum and be more efficient. The carburator, which mixes fuel and air for combustion was replaced by a fuel injection system that had better control over what went into the engine. The exhaust now includes a catalyctic converter to remove some of the polutants in a cars exhaust to allow for cleaner air. When possible, mechanical parts were replaced by electronics. Cars today have a computer built in to help regulate these things. Safety wise, passenger vehicles in the U.S. are required to have seat belts and passengers are required to use them. Cars have air bags that deploy in the event of a collision to cushion the impact of a collision and regulations exist requiring children to sit in protective car safety seats based on age and weight criteria.

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13y ago

The difference these days is cars back in the 1900's were not that stylish and were really dull they have improved the cars in the 1960's and 70's by speed and style.

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12y ago

you can skrew the car in bed the car then get more cars for free by the car you skrewed had car kids

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13y ago

1967 Chevy camaro, the best muscle car of its time.

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12y ago


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Q: How are cars today different from those made 50 years ago?
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How cars different from those made 50 years ago?

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