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They are brother and sister

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Q: How are king alcinous and queen arete related?
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Who is Arete in The Odyssey?

Queen Arete is the wife of Alcinous who is the King of Phaeacia.

Who is the queen in the odyssey?

Queen Arete is the wife of Alcinous who is the King of Phaeacia.

King Alcinous and Queen Arete ruled what land?

Skheria or Scheria, the island home of the Phaiecians

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Nausicaa is a character in Homer's Odyssey(Odýsseia). She is the daughter of King Alcinous and Queen Arete of Phaeacia.

Who are the characters of the odissey?

* The characters in the Odyssey are:* Odysseus* Penelope* Telemachus* Laertes* Athena* Zeus* Poseidon* The Three Suitors* Eumaeus the Swineherd* Calypso* Hermes* Circe* The Cyclops* Tiresieus* King Alcinous and Queen Arete* King Menelaus* Apollo* Scylla* Charybdis

What did the king and queen do for Odysseus in book 7?

In Book 7 of "The Odyssey," the king and queen of Phaeacia, Alcinous and Arete, show hospitality and kindness to Odysseus by offering him food, shelter, and asking about his identity and journey. They welcome him with open arms and provide him with a ship to continue his journey home.

Who is the queen of Ithaca in The Odyssey?

Penelope is the queen of Ithaca in The Odyssey. She is known for her loyalty and patience while waiting for her husband, Odysseus, to return from the Trojan War.

What was king alcinous known for that was speacil?

King Alcinous helped Odysseus when his ship wrecked.

Who was king of the Phaeacians?

King Alcinous

Who finds Odysseus and takes him to King Alcinous?

The person that finds Odysseus and takes him to King Alcinous is Navsicaa.

How does king alcinous treat Odysseus in his place even thoug he is a stranger?

king alcinous treat odysseus with rescpect.

Who is Nausicaa in Homer's The Oddyssey?

In Homer's The Odyssey, Nausicaa is the daughter of King Alcinous and Queen Arete of the Phaeacians. She discovers Odysseus on the shore and helps him seek an audience with her parents, ultimately aiding him in his journey back home to Ithaca. Nausicaa is portrayed as kind, beautiful, and brave.