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Q: How are the words season.equinox and solstice related?
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How are the words season and solstice related?

Solstices and Equinoxes are points in the orbit of the Earth around the sun, hence directly related to seasons

How are the words season equinox and solstice related?

Solstices and Equinoxes are points in the orbit of the Earth around the sun, hence directly related to seasons

How is the solstice and the equinox related to the position of the earth's axis?


What is latin words for winter solstice?

The Latin feminine noun bruma means both "winter solstice" and "winter" in general.

How are season and solstice are related?

Solstices and Equinoxes are points in the orbit of the Earth around the sun, hence directly related to seasons

How are solstice and equinox related to the position of earths axis?

Definition of solstice: two days of the year on which the noon sun is directly overhead at either 23.5 south or 23.5 north. I dont know about equinox but i know how solstice is related..So my answer is.... It's related to the earths axis because when the earth is rotating the sun hits north and south but not really at the same time. So that's why north or south would be 23.5 degrees .

The two types of solstice you have?

summer solstice and winter solstice

How many solstices happen in one year?

two The June solstice is the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere. The December solstice is the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere.

What is the time of year when the sun is the northern most point on the ecliptic?


What are the different types of solstice?

summer solstice and winter solstice... cheating on your homework ehh?

Who experiences the summer solstice the same day you experiences the winter solstice?

That depends on whether you are in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. If you are in the Northern, then your winter solstice is the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. If you are in the Southern, then your winter solstice is the summer solstice for everyone in the Northern Hemisphere.

When is the solstice?

The winter solstice is on December 21st.