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Gangrene is often called 'gas gangrene' because it puts out a foul gas when an area is infected. Gangrene is an anaerobicbacterium, which means it grows in places hidden or away from air, let's say like deep down in a wound on your leg. If the infection is allowed to start growing, because circulation was cut off to the wound or wasn't cleaned properly, or treated with antibiotics to kill it, the tissue starts to die, cutting off the air to more tissue (which the bacteria likes) and putting toxins (poisons) out into the body systems. Once gangrene has set it and the leg has turned black, these poisons have to be removed by cutting off the leg, so that the infection won't poison the entire body and kill it.

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Q: How can people die from gangrene?
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How many people die each year from Gas gangrene?

about 25,000 people die from gangrene a year

Can people die from gangrene?

Any age, though the average age is 67. Gangrene is when blood stops flowing to a limb or limbs and cells begin to die. You often get gangrene from frostbite, if you have diabetes, if you smoke, or if you get a serious burn or injury.

Life expectancy of people with gangrene?

How long it takes to die from gangrene depends on the specific circumstances of the infection, how big you are, and how far away from your vital organs the gangrene is. Typically gangrene spreads very rapidly once it starts, and an infected person may die in anywhere from one to three days once the gangrene is established.

How many people die from gangrene each day?

There is no specific data available on the exact number of daily deaths from gangrene. Gangrene is a serious condition that requires prompt medical treatment to prevent complications and potential fatalities. If you suspect you or someone you know may have gangrene, seek immediate medical attention.

How many people get gangrene in Australia a year?

1000,000,001 people get gangrene a year.

How many people died from gangrene in 2005 and 2006?

over 60 million people die every year

Can you find Gangrene in Antarctica?

Gangrene can be caused by frostbite, so yes, people who suffer frostbite could develop gangrene.

Who are the most common victims of gangrene?

The most common victims of gangrene are people who are diabetic.

What does gangrene affect?

Gangrene occurs when tissues in the body die. It can affect arms, legs, or other parts of the human body.

Can you die from trenchfoot?

Yes, if left untreated, it can turn in gangrene.

What is it called when a group of cells in the body die?

Necrosis or gangrene.

What age did Victorian people die and from what?

Most likely people in the Victorian Era, died from the plague (black death) and other diseases (gangrene) that couldn't be treated.