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because people belive it was American's destiny to spread civilization over seas.

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Q: How did American opinions on overseas expansion begin to change in the 1800s?
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How can expansion lead to conflict and change?

The expansion of the Americans affected the indians because of the fact they were taking too much. Also the Americans had policies that the indians did not agree with American polocies.

How can expansion lead conflict and change?

The expansion of the Americans affected the indians because of the fact they were taking too much. Also the Americans had policies that the indians did not agree with American polocies.

What is the process of thermal expansion?

Thermal expansion is the tendency of matter to change in volume in response to a change in temperature.

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No. "Chemical change" means that the bonds between atoms are rearranged.

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The expansion of matter upon heating is an example of a?

The expansion of matter upon heating is an example of a thermal expansion, which is the tendency of matter to change in volume, area, and length in response to a change in temperature.

What are the three types of heat expansions?

The three types of heat expansions are linear expansion (change in length), area expansion (change in area), and volume expansion (change in volume). Each type of expansion relates to a different physical property of the material when subjected to a temperature increase.

How do you change opinions?

you change an opinion by going with other ideas an thinking about it

Is expansion physical or chemical change?

Expansion is a physical change because it involves a change in the state or size of matter without altering its chemical composition.

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What is a adjectives for expansion