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Simply put, Joan of Arc's methods were straightforward and military, while Charles VII's focus was slower and more political. Joan's strategy was one of simply attacking the English until they went away, while Charles was far more concerned with the legitimacy of his reign and ending the conflict between his house and the Burgundians.

After Charles was crowned, Joan didn't have the patience to wait for the political situation to improve, and went to attack the English in Paris, which failed. Charles, on the other hand, was so focused on reconciling with Burgundy that he squandered military opportunities in hopes that the Burgundians were ready to negotiate in good faith, which, at the time, they were not.

Four years after Joan's death, Charles finally did reconcile with the Duke of Burgundy, breaking the Burgundian alliance with England and having the Duke recognize Charles' right to the throne. After that, he was much more aggressive at taking the fight to the English--perhaps not quite so much as Joan would have been, but he got the job done.

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Q: How did Joan of Arc's methods differ from Charles VII on how to regain lost french territories?
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