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Before its independence, Morocco had been a French protectorate since 1912 and before that, an independent Sultanate. Morocco had known an active independence movement since 1943 through the Istiqlal Party. France tried to suppress the movement by exiling the Sultan, Mohammed V in 1953, but after extended riots was forced to reinstall him in 1955. Negotiations for independence started and one year later Morocco regained its independence.

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The king Mohammad Abdul Jabbar II bought the whole country with just 256 camels. After that they stole the independence of west-sahara like they always did before.

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Morocco became an absolute monarchy at the time of independence in 1956. In 1962, it became a constitutional monarchy.

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The government of Morocco is a constitutional monarchy. This means that they have a King who appoints a Prime Minister to oversee a system of multiple political parties.It has a two chamber parliament and a constitution that sets forth the duties and powers of each. The Constitution of Morocco grants the King extensive powers.

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