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He had a weak spot on his heel that is why a weakness is called an Achilles heel

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Q: How did Paris killed Achilles if he is invincible?
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What was the name of the Trojan warrior who killed Achilles?

A mediocre Trojan archer and second prince of Troy by the name of Paris drove a Poison arrow into Achilles heel thus killing him.

Who killed Achilles and how did he kill him and what was his reasons?

Achilles was killed by Paris during the Trojan War. Paris was Helen of Troy's kidnapper whom was the woman who caused the Trojan War. Paris was described as to being a cowardly individual whom had no intentions of fighting and was why he used his arrows. He shot Achilles in the heel, that's where Achilles heel' came from. Some say that Apollo, whom was on the Trojan's side, assisted in directing the arrow. Paris probably most likely killed Achilles because Achilles was the Achaean's (Greeks) best fighter and to avenge his brother, Hector's, death.

Who is the heroic son of the Trojan King Priam who is slain in hand-to-hand combat by Achilles?

hector killed Achilles friend and Achilles wants revenge so he kills hector

In the movie TROY who killed king Priam?

Aggamemnon... Stabbed him in back with a spear. Aggamemnon was killed by Achilles who ws in turn shot by Paris.

Who was the King of Troy during the action of The Iliad?

Priam was the last king of Troy. He was the father of Hector and Paris. It was Paris who seduced Helen of Sparta and so began the Trojan War which lasted for 10years. Priam was killed on the last day of the war. and it was Paris that killed Achilles by shooting him in the heel with a arrow. Hence the saying "Achilles Heel".

Related questions

Why did Paris kill Achilles during the Trojan War?

because Achilles was a huge powerhouse for the Greeks as he was almost invincible also Achilles-killed his closest and most important brother Hector, whose last words were that Paris would kill Achilles

What happened to Hector Achilles Paris Patroclus and Agamemnon?

Patroclos killed in battle by Hector Hector killed in battle by Achilles Achilles killed in battle by Paris Paris killed in battle by Philoctetes Agamemnon killed by his wife Clytmnestra

What happens to Achilles in the Trojan war?

Achilles was dipped into the River Styx from his heel when he was a baby by his mother Thetis, which allowed him to become nearly invincible. His only weakness was his heel. Achilles was in war and fought for the Greeks. He got shot with an arrow through his heel and it killed him.

How did Odysseus kill Achilles?

Odysseus did not kill Achilles. Paris killed Achilles.

Who is Achilles in Greek Mythology?

He is the invincible son, except for his two heels by which where his mother held him when she dipped him when he was a baby in the river Styx, of a sea goddess he was killed by Apollo or in some myths he was killed by Paris.

Who was the farther of the man who killed Achilles?

Achilles was killed by Paris. Paris' father is Priam, King of Troy. Note, however, that this does not take place in The Iliad but in the events that follow it.

Killed by Paris's arrow?

That would be Achilles at the Battle of Troy

How do you kill Achilles?

Paris killed him by shooting at his heel, which was weak.

When and where was Achilles killed?

Achilles was killed in Troy by Paris while the Greeks were invading the Trojans.

Who conquered Achilles?

Paris, brother of Hector killed Achilles with the help of Apollo by shooting his heel with his arrow.

What was the name of the Trojan warrior who killed Achilles?

A mediocre Trojan archer and second prince of Troy by the name of Paris drove a Poison arrow into Achilles heel thus killing him.

What is the name of the Trojan warrior who killed Achilles in the Trojan War?

Paris killed Achilles, with an arrow (in his heel, the only vulnerable spot on his body). or the other legend is that Paris stabbed Achillies in the back with a dagger.