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Q: How did foreign countries establish spheres of influence in china?
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In the 1900s China had been carved into zones by foreign nations. What were these zones called?

They were called SPHERES OF INFLUENCE. Other countries that were too large or powerful to colonize, were also carved up in spheres of influence, like Persia.

What did spheres of influence mean to china?

Chinese trade was dominated by foreign influence

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cos they can

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Areas where foreign nations claimed special rights and economic privilege?

It is Spheres of Influence.

An area in a country where a foreign power has exclusive rights to trade is called a what?

Spheres of Influence

What does America see as its area of influence?

The various countries in America have different spheres of influence, you need to specify which country.

What defined privileges access by britiain France Germany and russia to Chinese ports and markets?

Spheres of influence

What issue did US have on the spheres of influence?

The US felt the spheres of influence restricted trade with China

What is the difference between colonies protectorates and the spheres of influence?

Colonies are territories controlled and governed by a foreign power. Protectorates are areas under the control of a more powerful state that provides security and guidance to the local government. Spheres of influence are regions where a state has significant political or economic influence but may not have direct control.

What was spheres of influence?

kcp Chinese trade was dominated by foreign influence.

Many countries were dividing China up into small pieces where they would have control over that area What was this called?

Spheres of Influence