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Hammurabi imposed order on Babylon, the so called Law Code of Hammurabi, survives, not the first of its kind. Women are in inferior to men, and wives, like slave, are the personal property of their husband. Slaves enjoyed no legal protection at all, only the protection of their owner

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"An eye for an eye ..." is a paraphrase of Hammurabi's Code, a collection of 282 laws inscribed on an upright stone pillar. The code was found by French archaeologists in 1901 while excavating the ancient city of Susa, which is in modern-day Iran. Hammurabi is the best known and most celebrated of all Mesopotamian kings. He ruled the Babylonian Empire from 1792-50 B.C.E. Although he was concerned with keeping order in his kingdom, this was not his only reason for compiling the list of laws. When he began ruling the city-state of Babylon, he had control of no more than 50 square miles of territory. As he conquered other city-states and his empire grew, he saw the need to unify the various groups he controlled.

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it Effected the people by giving harsh punishments. These laws are called Hammurabi's code

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It helped because it stopped and helped people get out of slavery in 1750 BC

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They didn't like it

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Q: How did hammurabi's code influence babylonian society?
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What aws hammurabis code?

A set of laws created by the babylonian king, Hammurabi.

What is the significance of Hammurabis Code?

It is the first written body of laws used to organize society.

What is the significant of hammurabis code?

It is the first written body of laws used to organize society.

Was the legal code for ancient Babylonian society?

The legal code for ancient Babylonian society was the Code of Hammurabi, compiled around 1754 BCE. It contained a comprehensive list of laws and punishments to regulate various aspects of life, such as family, property, and commerce. The code is famous for its principle of "an eye for an eye."

What society has the Hammurabi's code?

The code was written for and in the Babylonian Empire and were found in Iran.

What could you determine about babylonian society by reading the code?

You could see that it was a primitive society when you compared it with the laws of our time.

Why should the ancient people support hammurabis code?

The ancient Babylonians supported Hammurabi's Code because it was one of the earliest attempts to codify a society's laws. With this code in place, there were now standards regarding what the remedies and the punishments were for breaching the society's rules.

Why do we know more about hammurabis code than other early forms of law?

Hammurabi Code is the earliest form of law that we are able to read and study becaouse,1901,a French expedition to Mesopotamia uncovered a copy of the Babylonian King's laws.

Hammurabis Code was?

Historians found it to be just.

What was Hammurabis contribution to society?

His code. The Code of Hammurabi has 282 entries covering all sorts of civil interactions, from inheritance to theft to slave ownership. This code is one of the earliest known.

Was Hammurabis Code fair to the accused?

As a matter of fact, it was.

Was hammurabis code unfair?

Historians found it to be just.