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As the Industrial Revolution grew countries began to trade goods. They traded both raw materials and finished products for sale.

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Q: How did the Industrial Revolution make the nations of the world economically interdependent?
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How did the Industrial Revolution give an advantage to industrial European nations over non-industrialized actions?

The Industrial Revolution gave European nations many advantages including some that were not related to non-industrialized actions. For instance, the Industrial revolution gave these nations more political power and better economic strength.

How did the industrial revolution give an advantage to industrial European nations over non industrial nations?

European nations had well-defined infrastructures.The Industrial Revolution gave an advantage to industrialized nations because they were better able to produce commerce and send it off at an incredible rat. Non-industrialized nations did not have the technology to compete.

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The Industrial Revolution gave European nations many advantages including some that were not related to non-industrialized actions. For instance, the Industrial revolution gave these nations more political power and better economic strength.

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The Industrial Revolution promoted imperialism because after nations (mainly European nations) acquired advanced technology and military, they all competed for their overseas empires which led to imperialism.

How did the industrial revolution give advantage to industrialize European nations over non-industrialized nations?

European nations had well-defined infrastructures.The Industrial Revolution gave an advantage to industrialized nations because they were better able to produce commerce and send it off at an incredible rat. Non-industrialized nations did not have the technology to compete.

How did the industrial revolution give an advantage to industrialed European nations over non industrialed nations?

European nations had well-defined infrastructures.The Industrial Revolution gave an advantage to industrialized nations because they were better able to produce commerce and send it off at an incredible rat. Non-industrialized nations did not have the technology to compete.

How did the industrial revolution give an advantage to industrialized European nations over nonindustrialized?

European nations had well-defined infrastructures.The Industrial Revolution gave an advantage to industrialized nations because they were better able to produce commerce and send it off at an incredible rat. Non-industrialized nations did not have the technology to compete.

Why do most nations in Western Europe have a higher standard of living?

it started the Industrial Revolution.

What were some political changes during the Industrial Revolution?

The industrial revolution was accompanied by the formation of labor unions, which formed or dominated various political parties in democratic nations, won certain rights for unions and workers in general, and generally expanded the franchise (right to vote) more broadly in these nations.

What else was going on in the world at the time The Wealth of Nations was written?

One thing that was happening in the world at the time "The Wealth of Nations" was written was the Industrial Revolution in the United States.

Was England an agriculture country or industrial country?

Until the Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century England was an agricultural country. Later it became one of the most powerful industrial nations. See the link below