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Q: How did the abolition of censorship changes the live of people in France after the french revolution?
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What positive changes came in France with the abolition of censorship?

After the abolition of censorship people had freedom for speech , expression and feelings

What important revolutions change Europe in the 1700s and 1800s?

In England the agricultural revolution led to massive changes in the organisation and mechanisation of farming. The American revolution had significant consequences for the British Empire and encouraged the French people to believe that tyranny could be challenged. The French Revolution resulted in the abolition of the monarchy and the feudal system in France.

What was the''great fear'' and what did it lead to?

The "Great Fear" is a term for the rumors that preceded the French Revolution and the abolition of feudalism in France.

Did any major changes happen in France?

The french revolution

Who declared the abolition of the France's monarchy?

During the French Revolution, the National Convention declared the abolition of the French monarchy. The First Republic was established through a proclamation on September 21, 1792. King Louis XVI was executed in 1793.

Why the France revolution is a revolution?

The France revolution is a revolution because it takes place in whole part of the France. And revolution basically means protest in the whole part of the country. Thus France revolution is a revolution.

When was censorship abolished in France?

Last time around, it was when France had been liberated from the Germans in WW2, in 1944.

Who did the french became inspired by?

Before the French Revolution, the French were inspired by the Enlightenment Period as well as the American Revolution. The French Revolution lead to many changes in France's government and greatly changed their society.

Did women have a revolution in France?

yes, women had a revolution in France.From the very beginning women were active participants in the events which brought about so many important changes in French society

Why did Jacobins such as Maximilien de Robespierre argue that France's king and queen needed to be executed?

Jacobins such as Maximilien de Robespierre argued that France's king and queen needed to be executed to protect political changes; i.e. to avoid a return to absolute monarchy. Apex: To protect the political changes made during the French Revolution

Why were there so many changes in government in nineteenth century France?

During the 19th century France was participating in Imperialism, a progressive era, and industrial revolution. All of these factors affect government.

How is France related to the American revolution?

France was an Ally of the USA in the American Revolution.