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Q: How did the blond woman show consideration for the children in the boy with the striped pajamas?
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How do you know the fury is the fuhrer in the boy with the striped pajamas?

The "Fury" came for dinner and with a beautiful blond lady. from there we can assume that the beautiful blond lady is Eva Braun, Hitler's girlfriend and the "Fury" is Hitler

What does gretel look like in the book the boy in the striped pajamas?

she is a small girl 11 years old, who wears an old fashoned gown, with blond hair and tight pigtails in her hair.

What does shmuel look like in the The Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

Shmuel is a cute little Jewish kid who, like most Jews, has brown hair and brown eyes. As for Jack Scanlon, who plays Shmuel in the movies, he has blond-ish hair and dark brown eyes. He's a cute kid and has a British accent.

What did Adolf Hitler do to the blond haired blue eyed children?

Hitler actually liked children with blond hair and blue eyes.

Who was Shmuel in the Boy in the Striped Pajamas?

Shmuel is the boy in the striped pyjamas. He is an innocent prisoner at Auschwitz concentration camp. He meets Bruno and they become the best of friends, even though they're two completely different people- Bruno is the son of a Nazi, Shmuel is a Jew.Shmuel is the shy, cute, Polish-Jewish "Boy in the striped pajamas". His father is a watch-maker, his mother a teacher, and he has an older brother named Josef.Shmuel is a Jewish boy who wears "striped pajamas".

What is the film about evil girl with long blond hair?

You could be referring to Carrie, or Children of the Damned.

How did Nazis used women and children continuation of pure German race?

they used the women and children because most of them had blond hair and blue eyes

Are whiteheads blond children?

No. they are facial blemishes. They are like what are commonly called 'blackheads' but they are, well, white in color.

Does a blond beard grow faster than a blond beard?

blond and blond is the same thing

Is Fergie blond?

Yeah, she's dirty blond, but still blond.

Was hitlers wife blond hair blue eyes?

No she was Brown eyes and brunette, actually.

Do you have to be blond?

No you do not have to be blond you will usually be blond by your families genes or you might of colored it that way .