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Most of them probably didn't notice because of all that was going on during revolution. Would it have affected you?

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Q: How did the execution of Louis xvi affect the french revolution?
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Did the The Execution of Louis XVI marked the beginning of the french revolution?

No. The revolution had already begun with the storming of the Bastille at 14 July 1789 and the Tennis Court Oath that same year. Louis' death did mark the beginning of "the Terror", an extremely bloody and murderous period during the French revolution.

French Revolution-Louis XIV?

No, the French Revolution was during the reign of Louis XVI.

Why was the execution of Louis XVI important to the revolution?

He was a threat to the Revolution as long as he was alive.

How did the war with Austria and the execution of the King affect the French Revolution?

The Declaration of Pillnitz had warned France of "dire consequences" if anything should happen to Louis XVI. France in Revolution considered that to be a threat and declared War on Austria. Then they sent Louis XVI to the guillotine believing that a dead Monarch was less of a threat.

What was the official reasons for Louis IVX's Execution?

Louis XVI was executed by guillotine in 1793 during the French Revolution for treason against the state. He was accused of conspiring with foreign powers and counter-revolutionary factions to overthrow the French Republic and restore the monarchy. His execution marked the end of the Bourbon monarchy in France.

Was the Haitian revolution a turning point in history?

the execution of Louis XVI

The year 1789 is an important date in the history of civilization In that year?

The year of 1789 was the beginning of the French Revolution. There was a famine and rioters stormed the prison called the Bastille. The revolution led to the execution of French King Louis 14th and Queen Marie Antoinette. It was a bloody revolution and people of the noble stature were targets for execution. Eventually one of the famous revolutionaries, Robespierre was also executed.

What is the role of the bourbon kings in the french revolution?

Louis XVI became a victim of the guillotine during the French Revolution.

When was Louis xiv beheaded?

The execution of Louis XVI by means of the guillotine took place on 21 January 1793 at the Place de la Révolution ("Revolution Square", formerly Place Louis XV, and renamed Place de la Concorde in 1795) in Paris. It was a major event of the French Revolution.

What was different about the execution of Louis XVI?

He was the only French King to be executed.

How did the french citizents who witnessed Louis XVI execution react?

It was not a well accepted outcome and many resolved to end the French Revolution and to restore the Monarchy to its rightful seat of power.

Was the execution of Louis XVI necessary for the revolution to succeed?

Otherwise he would have shat his pants