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In the book Stargirl, Susan's speech "I thought I heard a Moa" was not the speech she had been practicing for weeks. When she was up on stage, she forgot her old speech and replaced it with this one, although it's mentioned there were elements of the old speech in it. The creation of Star People was not mentioned

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Q: How did the speech contest change susan Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli?
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How did the speech contest change susan Stargirl?

Susan was desparate for some attention so after the contest she changed back to stargirl

How did the speech contest change susan in Stargirl?

The speech contest in "Stargirl" helped Susan gain confidence and assert her independence by speaking out about her beliefs and challenging the status quo. It also pushed her to break free from conformity and embrace her unique identity, inspiring others to do the same.

How did the school respond to the speech contest in Stargirl?

they think she is crazy

What was the outcome of the speech contest in the book Stargirl?

Stargirl wins, but when she goes home, only Dori and a couple teachers are there to meet her.

What was the outcome of the speech contest in Stargirl?

In the book "Stargirl," Stargirl wins the state oratorical contest but loses the competition due to her unconventional speech style, as the judges prefer more traditional presentations. Her unique approach divides the community's opinion on her, reflecting the theme of conformity versus individuality in the story.

What is the denouement in stargirl?

the climax is when stargirl goes to the speech competition.

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Stargirl's speech is both a powerful and unrestrained expression of her true self, reflecting her authentic emotions and beliefs. By speaking passionately and unabashedly in front of the large audience at the oratorical contest, she demonstrates a barbaric YAWP by breaking societal norms and expectations, and unapologetically asserting her individuality.

How do you write a bullying in a speech contest?

why do you want to cheat..

What is the woodmen speech contest topic for 2011?

The topic for the 2011 Modern Woodmen School Speech Contest is "An All American Invention." The topic must focus on an invention created in America.

What is a good script for a speech contest?

A good script for a speech contest should have a strong opening to capture attention, a clear and organized structure with a central theme, powerful storytelling or examples to engage the audience, and a memorable closing that leaves a lasting impact. It should also be tailored to the specific audience and purpose of the speech contest.

Did martin win a speech contest in 5 grade?

no he was in the 11th grade

What is the definition of a loser's speech?

A loser's speech is a speech given by the one who does not win a contest, election, etc. A good example is the speech given by the one who does not win a presidential election.