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Q: How do several language affect the development of India literature?
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In what ways does migration affect language?

Migration can affect language in several ways. First, migrants may adopt the language of their new country, leading to language loss and assimilation. Second, migration can lead to language contact and the development of new dialects or languages as different linguistic communities interact. Lastly, migrants may also contribute to language revitalization by preserving and promoting their native languages in their new communities.

Factor affecting development early language stimulation?

Early language stimulation is crucial for child development as it helps in building vocabulary, enhancing communication skills, and fostering cognitive development. Factors that can affect early language stimulation include parental involvement, quality of interactions, exposure to language-rich environments, and individual differences in language development. Providing a stimulating language environment through talking, reading, and playing with the child can significantly impact their language acquisition skills.

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How did World War 2 affect British literature?

The Holocaust widely affected British literature because the British felt so bad for the abused Jews that they wrote a lot of literature about it, including "The Holocaust and its affects on the World." It also caused the breakdown of the human language 'death of language' as the atrocities commited were so awful, language was unable to describe them. Also, many of the surviver's of the Holocaust wrote autobiographies, and novels of their experiences.

How does reading affect the development of a child's language?

It would most likely make them faster and more adept at it, along with making their vocbulary larger.

What is psycholinguistic?

Psycholinguistics is the study of how people acquire, produce, and comprehend language. It explores the mental processes involved in language use, such as memory, perception, and problem-solving, to understand how humans understand and produce language.

How did the development of caste system affect society in India?

How did the development of the Caste System affect society in India

Theory affect Human Growth and Development?

No. Theory attempts to explain human growth and development, but it does not affect it.

What are the human factors that affect growth and development?

malnutrition, problems in the human body, abuse can also affect the development of a human. considering that human growth and development is not measurable only in terms of physical changes, but in several aspects as well, it would be hard to enumerate all possible factors. Still, there is the concept of "Nature and Nurture", by which genetics plays a role/is a factor to human growth and development, and on the other side, there is the environment to consider; nutrition, pollution, society, etc. Nutrition is one of the factors that affect growth and development. Habitat, and exercise also have an impact on growth and development.