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use a spell to get freezing powers like Emma

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Q: How do you get freezing power?
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Is freezing time the best super power?

i say shape-shifting is the best super power

How can freezing rain can cause power failures?

It can hit a power line or a cable box thing

How do you get a freezing power like Emma on h2o just add water?

believe , close your eyes and imagine that your freezing it , and it takes practice

How do you get a freezing power like Emma?

you don't because it's only a movie

What are long term effects on blizzards?

Freezing of pipes, flooding, roof damage, and the blockage of power

What is CCA regarding batteries?

Cold cranking amps It is a measure of the battery's "power" when the temperature is near freezing.

What is global freezing?

Global freezing is the process by which the temperatures across the planet drop to the power where surface water begins to freeze. This is commonly associated with an Ice Age but can also result from extreme atmospheric changes.

Compare and contrast freezing rain and sleet?

Sleet falls to the ground already frozen. Freezing rain doesn't freeze until it comes in contact with grounds or power lines that are below 32 degrees.

What is the plural form of freezing?

Freezing is used as an adjective (it's freezing, freezing temperatures) or in the noun freezing point. Whilst freezing points is the plural of freezing point, the word freezing itself has no plural form

What is freezing and thawing and freezing again?

the result of freezing and thawing and freezing is frost boil