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USB cable and desktop computer file manager.

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Q: How do you get pictures to a Senario digital locket and how can you take them off?
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Related questions

What is the digital camera use for?

To take images (pictures) or videos

How have digital cameras improved within the last five years?

A digital camera can take pictures of everything. I take it on all of my family vacations and fun get together. The pictures will last a lifetime!

Where can one find information on how to print digital pictures?

The Hewlett Packard website has a wealth of information, how-tos, and tips on printing digital pictures, as well as advice on how to take better pictures.

Why do you use digital camera?

To take pictures and capture precious moments.

How would a business use a digital camera?

Well they could use it to take pictures of the company. They could use it to take pictures of the staff.

What is the uses of a digital camera?

To make digital pictures. One doesn't need celluloid film anymore. Using digital memory card for storing the pictures (reuseable). And no need to go to a Photo Shop. One can view the pictures instantly, can print it or share it over mobile,laptop in the social media

Road Trips And The Best Digital Camera?

Going on a road trip can be a fun experience. You'll want to pack the best digital camera, so you can take good pictures. Pull over on the side of the road to take pictures of the scenery. The best digital camera will take photos that are much better than the photos taken with your cellphone. Take the time to learn how to take good pictures with your digital camera. The more you learn about photography, the better your road trip images. Even the best digital camera won't take good pictures, if it's not operated properly. Experiment with the digital camera's functions, and practice taking pictures before your road trip. The skill of the photographer has a lot to do with taking quality photos.

How do you take pictures from your digital camera to your computer?

You just take pictures and then take the chip from your camera and put it in the computer( its either on the left or right on the side) then just make files you want the pictures in. then you are done

What do all digital cameras do?

They problaby take pictures and store them digitally is my guess.

Did the digital camera change the life of people?

Yes because before they only used film cameras and after the digital camera was invented, people could take more pictures. The film camera can only take about 28 pictures.

Which digital camera is best for children who want to take pictures?

JCPenney Discovery Kids Digital Camera is a great camera for children.

Can I buy a camcorder that also takes digital pictures?

Yes, nearly all digital camcorders have the ability to take still images.