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I have found the answer to your prayers ;)Help Giselle climb up the cliffs until she reaches the magical light. Go west and climb up the cliff. Press the +Control Pad to move vertically or horizontally on the cliff. Continue to the west, over the small bridge. Climb the cliff and continue to the west and down. Go to the east and use the wooden rail to cross over the river. Avoid the evil mushroom. Push up against the rock cliff and sidle along the ledge to the east. Head south. Avoid the evil mushroom and continue to the west. Use Bear to sit on the switch and activate the rainbow bridge. Continue to the west, over the rainbow bridge. Just like climbing a wall, move up and touch the wooden bar to grab on. Press up on the +Control Pad to climb up. Climb up and jump off onto the cliff. Jump and grab the pole. Slide the stylus through Giselle to build momentum and make her swing around on the bar. Press the A Button to jump off. Jump off onto the next ledge. Climb across the cliffs and continue to the west. Climb up the wooden bar and continue to the west. Use the squirrel to unlock the ladder. Climb up the ladder. Climb up the cliff. Avoid the evil mushroom and go to the east. Jump and grab the bar. Swing and jump from bar to bar and onto the cliff. Continue to the east.

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Q: How do you get the magical light on Enchanted?
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