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I think it is trouble for you, you directly buy a car dvd player from online stores, such as, and, it is convinient for you buying it, and the price is cheap, hope can help you.

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Q: How do you install a house DVD player in a car?
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Related questions

How do you easliy instert a DVD player in a car?

Fist you need to install a car DVD player in your car. Then insert a DVD in to the car DVD player.

Is it legal to install a car DVD player in the dashboard?

It is legal to install a car DVD player in the dashboard, but you have to wire the system in a way that shut of the DVD when the car is in motion.

Where is a place to install in car dvd players?

DVD players in cars is so common nowadays that just about every car manufactured includes a DVD player. Almost any mechanic will be willing to install a DVD player into a car.

Is it easy to install a car dvd player yourself?

It's very easy to install car DVD players for yourself, as long as you have a working knowledge of car wiring.

How would someone install their own car dvd player?

There are three main componets: the dvd player, the car video monitor, and the sound system. You need to mount the dvd player to either the dashboard or roof and run several wires from the audio of the dvd player to the speakers of the car.

In which part of the car should I put the car DVD player?

There are many areas of a car that a DVD player or monitor can be installed. There are systems available to let you install a screen in the headrests, roof or even the dash.

What factors should you consider for a Car DVD player?

You should consider the car dvd's size and function you want and how to install it.You can buy it from your local shops or online.

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So, if you've chosen to install a car DVD player, or car GPS System by yourselves and don't know where to begin. You're not alone…We have compiled detailed car DVD GPS removal and Installation instructions to assist you in the removal and installation of your car DVD GPS. Sorted by vehicle make, each car DVD GPS removal and installation instruction features pictures and removal and Installation instructions to simplify the car DVD GPS removal and installation process.Please visit:

Can you install a DVD screen in the CD player of a car?

depends on the player. in most cases, the answer is no, since the player wont be able to make complete use of the dvd-enabled screen

Why your car DVD player only plays audio?

audio and Video is the basic function of the car dvd player,Check the car dvd player setup options

Can you just use a in car DVD player through the car port?

Yes, you can use an in car DVD player outside of a car.

How do you install a portable DVD player into a car?

As long as the DVD player has been fully charged, there's no need for it to be plugged into the car. However, if the DVD player is about to die or has no battery life, you need to plug it into the car so it can work.