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Q: How do you see the movie seven pounds online?
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When does the movie 7 pounds come out?

Seven Pounds comes ou December 19, 2008. I saw Seven Pounds and it was amazing! you have to go see it!!

Why is will smith's new movie named seven pound?

The reference to 'pounds' in Seven PoundsThe reference is from "Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare. A "pound of flesh" is required for penance for wrongdoing. Seven people were killed in the car wreck that he feels he is responsible for, thus he owes seven pounds of flesh.Also, the director, Gabriele Muccino, stated when asked why the movie is named "Seven Pounds" that the weight of the script weighed seven pounds.

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How much does Regina hicks from the movie Rubicon weigh?

Like 90 pounds And when did you see that movie? It never came out.

Where can you see the truth about Jane online?

They have the whole movie on YouTube ;)

How can you see release movie online?

yes i can see all release movies at you tube

Name someplace where you might see a movie advertised?

television Movie Theater Newspaper Online

Where is the movie seven filmed?

IN SPACE :( no one will get to see it unless they go into space

Where can you see the movie a fight for life?

A M C movie theater

Where can you watch the first Rugrats Movie online legally?

See Related Links.

Where can you see the south park movie online without having to download it?

Where can you see the Ninjago movie in the UK?

Yes and online you just got to get it in your language!!