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you cannot. The Network card has a redemption code that adds money to the Playstation Network Account Wallet. Once the code is used it is not able to be used again unless you somehow redeemed less than the full value of the card.

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No you redeem the card once for the money that is on it.

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What is a psp PlayStation network card code?

A PlayStation Network Card Code is the code on the back of a card that has PSN money on it. You can use it to buy games or other things on PSN.

Can you buy PlayStation network points with a phone?

If you have mobile internet you can buy a PlayStation Network card, but it may add money to your bill or use your credit/debit card to buy the card.

Why do you have to add money to your wallet sometimes to use PlayStation network?

Go to a retail store and purchase a Playstation Network Card

Can you use a playstation network card on a Canadian account?

I think the currency must be the same to use a card

Can you use pay pal on PlayStation store?

no and your credit card must match the account if you do not use a network card

Can a gift card be used on a computer for PlayStation network?

No the Credit Card must match the name and address listed for the Playstation Network Account or be a PlayStation Network Card. You can run down to Walmart or some other retail store with the Prepaid Visa and buy the PSN card

Can you use a credit card to buy PlayStation Vita games?

Yes. PlayStation Network allows you to save your billing info (ie. a credit card) to your account, allowing you to buy games on the PlayStation Store on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita without the need for a prepaid card.

How do you put money on your PlayStation network account?

You purchase a PlayStation Network Card which allows you to have money in your account after your load the information into your PS3. Money in your live account allows you to purchase downloadable games, game add-ons, full-length movies, TV shows and more from the PlayStation Network, for your PS3 and PSP systems.

Do you need a PlayStation network card to play on live?

PSN is free the cards are for DLC such as games or addons Live is the name if the Xbox internet service, Playstation is the PSN or Playstation Network and it does not have a charge to sign up. Network Cards are never needed except for purchases you want to make. Even then they are not needed, you can just use a credit card to put Money in your Playstation Wallet

How do you get hoods on Littlebigplanet?

Go to a local store and get a playstation network card and put it on your playstation account (or use credit card) and go to the Little Big Store in the game. Then search for a costume with a hood.

Can you get something like Microsoft points for ps3?

You use dollars at the Playstation store and if you do not have a credit card or do not want to use it any stores selling video games also sell a Playstation Network Card in different Dollar amounts

Will you need playstation network cards to get games for the psp go?

yes ,you have to have it or credit card. The Credit card is better because network cards are only sold in denominations but work well when you can not use a credit card