

Best Answer

An owl...




A cat


A mouse



.( UU )/

A rabbit




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Q: How do you use keyboard characters to draw animals like a cat or mouse?
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Is there any sites what show you how to draw Doctor Who characters?

There are no sites that show you how to draw Doctor Who characters, but if you go on the Doctor Who official website ( and then onto comic maker, there are drawn images there. Maybe you could copy them?

Where can you learn to draw Naruto?

Im not really sure, but you can always learn how to draw ANIME and then draw him; but if you dont have that kind of time, then try to find a book on HOW TO DRAW NARUTO CHARACTERS, or tracing them. Or you can try this site for a tutorial:

What talents do cartoonist need?

A cartoonist needs to know how to draw people and animals in a cartoon version. If you want to be a cartoonist, I suggest taking art lessons to understand how to draw the basic shapes of humans and animals, otherwise, you would be a bad cartoonist if you don't understand how to draw these!

How do you draw ben 10 alien force characters?

You can draw xlr8 by drawing a dianmond head. Then you draw a body somehow. Then you draw the omnitrix on the chest. Then you draw his legs and feet. You can draw xlr8 by drawing a dianmond head. Then you draw a body somehow. Then you draw the omnitrix on the chest. Then you draw his legs and feet. Cartoon Network have just added some official How to Draw guides, and you can find Ben 10 here:

Is Gossip Girl like the luxe series?

Yes...the big difference is that it takes place at the turn of the century. You can draw a lot of parallels in the characters of both series.

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How do you draw a chicken picture using keyboard characters?

Okay im gonna draw a epic word &#9608;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9608;&#9608; &#9608;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9608;&#9608; &#9608;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9608;&#9608; &#9608;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9608;&#9608; &#9608;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9619;&#9619;&#9618;&#9618;&#9608;&#9608;

Can you draw Peter Griffin using the keyboard?

I can draw Stewie (uses non-ASCII characters): (&#3232;&#65279; &rsaquo;&#3232;)

What is a good diney cartoon character to draw?

Micky Mouse is one of the more simplistic characters.

How do you make a Winnie the Pooh on the computer using keyboard symbols?

its pretty hard to draw mickey mouse but, there is some sites that did some mickey mouse drawings and other stuff

How do you draw micky mouse?

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How do you draw a pumpkin with keyboard keys?

...._/_ ../.^,^.\ ..\.\_/. /

What are some features of smart boards?

A smart board is basically like a projection screen that you can interact with using a mouse keyboard or pens. You can draw or move objects based on the projection shown.

How do you draw your weapon in mount and blade?

Roll the mousewheel up to draw a weapon when unarmed, or cycle through the weapons in your quickslots. Roll it down to do the same for shields. If your mouse does not have a mousewheel, then you will need to go into the control options and rebind the commands to keyboard keys.

How do you draw retro characters?

just draw it (:

How would you draw a population with animals?

draw a population then draw where the animals are (one animal at each region) then draw the legend and tell how many animals are where the certain animal is and draw (i recommend this) the estimated amount of animals.

How do you draw Nickelodeon characters?

You draw it like you want to dd.

What does it mean to draw and label the characters or subject of the book?

To draw and/or label the characters or subject of a book means to "illustrate."