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Q: How does Bethany feel about what happened to her at the end?
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What age did Bethany Hamilton get saved?

The attack happened when Bethany was 13 years old

When did Bethany Hamilton get back in the water?

One month after the attack, which happened on Halloween 2003

Where was Bethany Hamilton when she was attacked?

It happened at Tunnels Beach on Kauai, Hawaii

In the book double identity what happens at the end?

Bethany is a clone

What are some historic events that happened in Bethany?

Bethany was the "certain village" that Jesus visited during his later Judean ministry. Bethany was the location of Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. And it was here were Jesus performed the miracle of Lazarus's resurrection.

How old WAS Bethany Hamilton after she had her accident?

She was thirteen when it happened, her birthday is Feb. 8, 1990

Who did Bethany Hamilton first tell that she had been bitten by a shark?

Obviously, it was her best friend (and family friend) Alana Blanchard and Alana's father and brother, since Bethany was with them when the attack happened

When did Bethany Hamilton lose her arm?

Bethany Hamilton was 13 years old when the attack happened

How old is Bethany Mota?

Bethany Hamilton was born on February 8, 1990

What year did they find the shark that attacked Bethany Hamilton?

The shark was caught a few days after the attack happened

What year was Bethany Hamilton bit by a shark?

The attack happened on October 31, 2003 at 7:30 in the morning

What happened to Bethany Hamilton?

Shark Attack while Surfing