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Depends on state\province usually you would call your local police station and they will complete a form and tell you the proper steps.

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Q: How does a father go about getting a court order paterninty test in order to make sure the mother CANNOT say the newborn is not his?
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What is a father of a newborn baby called?

a father.

What is the length ofa newborn baby horse?

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I don't think there is a penalty

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a calf..mothers are called cows..and the father is called a bull

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Yes he got me pregnant a while ago and now since our son is born he is a father to a newborn boy! No he isn't.

Can your newborn get father last name without signing birth certificate?

no , ese the faether name is not on the certificate so it does not have proof that it's the father

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In Georgia can you sign over the rights of a newborn child?

The mother can, but not the father. see links below

In N.C. if mother is not married who's name does newborn take?

If an unmarried woman gives birth in North Carolina, the newborn is given her last name if the father is not present. The father of the child must sign the birth certificate in order for the child to be given his last name.

Do father hamsters eat their newborn babies?

yes. They do thats y u should seprate them quickly