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Q: How does a playwrite's manipulation of dramatic elements that helps to reveal the truths about life?
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Dramatic actions are significant events or decisions within a play or performance that create tension, reveal character motives, and drive the plot forward. These actions often involve conflict and impact the trajectory of the story or the relationships between characters.

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Tom's actions reveal that he has a controlling and possessive relationship with Myrtle. He shows little respect for her feelings or autonomy, using his power and influence to assert control over her. This behavior highlights a dynamic of dominance and manipulation in their relationship.

Which literary technique is used when Oedipus curses the murderer of King Laius and what does the technique reveal about Oedipus?

Dramatic irony is at work; it reveals that Oedipus often speaks rashly.

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The short answer is no. If you want to reveal or hide elements on a web page then you will need to use a combination of HTML coding and CSS coding. Example:content you wish to hide goes here

What is it called when you talk to yourself?

A soliloquy is when someone talks to oneself. In drama a soliloquy is a dramatic verbal expression where a character talks to him/herself to reveal their thoughts to the audience.

How does a writer use pacing to make a novel intense?

In writing, "pacing" can be considered the manipulation of time. This can involve, for example, flashbacks or foreshadowing, which make the narrative more interesting and allows for a slow, deliberate reveal of details.

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Odysseus waits to reveal himself to Penelope because he wants to test her loyalty and see if she has remained faithful during his absence. He also wants to ensure that it is safe to reveal his true identity, given the suitors' presence in his home. Additionally, revealing himself at the right moment allows for a more dramatic and emotionally impactful reunion.

What literary technique is used and what does it reveal about Oedipus in Oedipus Rex when Oedipus utters a curse against Laius' murderer but the audience knows that Oedipus himself is the murderer?

The literary technique is called "dramatic irony," when the audience knows more than the characters do. Dramatic irony is at work; it reveals that Oedipus often speaks rashly.