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Q: How does darzee assist Rikki tikki?
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What role does darzee play in Rikki tikki tavi?

Darzee basically just helps out Rikki Tikki

Who is Darzee in the story Rikki tikki tavi?

Darzee is a tailor bird

Who is Darzee in Rikki- Tikki - Tavi?

He is the tailor bird.

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How does darzee help Rikki tikki?

Darzee is a bird who helps Rikki Tikki by distracting the cobras with his singing when Rikki Tikki is fighting them. Darzee's loud and cheerful singing creates confusion and allows Rikki Tikki to focus on defeating the cobras.

Who are the minor characters in Rikki tikki-tavi?

The minor characters in "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" are Darzee, a tailorbird, and his wife, Nag, the cobra, and Nagaina, the female cobra. They play important roles in the story by interacting with the protagonist, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, and contributing to the plot development.

What was Rikki tikki tavi friend in the garden?

Rikki-Tikki has two friends in the garden, Darzee and his wife, both tailor birds.

What are the characreristics of Rikki- tikki- tavi?

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi and Chuchundra, and Rikki-Tikki-Tavi's Mother,and Darzee, Nag, and Nagina Teddy Kariait , Teddy's mother, teddy's father

Who are the characters of Rikki-tikki-tavi?

The main characters in "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" are a brave mongoose named Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, a family of British expatriates living in India, and various antagonist animals, such as Nag and Nagaina the cobras. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi protects the family from these dangerous snakes and other threats.

Rikki tikkis alies in the book Rikki tikki tavi?

Chuchundra- Muskrat Darzee Darzee's wife ECT. (These are only the most important. Darzee is the most important of them all!)

In Rikki tikki tavi when does Rikki meet the cobras?

In the first few pages of the story. Rikki tikki is asking Darzee who ate his eggs then Nag comes out.