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Q: How does the earth's tilt cause more direct sunlight in summer?
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Yes, indirect sunlight does cause heat, although not as much as direct sunlight does.

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Only direct sunlight, which could cause them sunburn.

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The repeating phenomena referred to as "day" and "night".

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It is best to polish your car during the day, with no direct sunlight on the car. Extreme heat and direct sunlight can cause your polish to become chalky.

Are all places along the equater warm Why or why not?

cause it gets direct sunlight

How do the tilt of Earth's axis and Earth's movements around the sun cause seasons?

The tilt always points the same way (towards the north star). In summer the pole is pointed toward the sun, and in winter its pointed away. This changes the amount of direct sunlight a portion of the Earth will receive. The more direct sunlight, the warmer the weather. So when a hemisphere of Earth is tilted toward the sun, it is summer. Away, and it is winter.

How does the til of earths axis cause the seasons?

The tilt controls the angle of incidence of sunlight AND the duration of daylight hours.

What does earths rotation cause surface in the northern hemisphere to do?

The longest season on the northern hemisphere is summer.

Why is it unsafe if you are using direct sunlight in the laboratory?

I assume you're meaning to use the sunlight to illuminate a microscope slide. The power of sunlight is enough to cause blindness if you stare at it for longer than a few seconds. You can use natural daylight to illuminate a microscope specimen so long as the mirror is not reflecting direct sunlight.

What is the most important cause of earths seasons?

The actual most important cause of Earth's seasons is it's axis.

What is the major cause of the winter season in the US?

The earth's northern hemisphere tilting away from the sun, receiving less direct sunlight, causing temperatures to drop and cause winter.