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The earth gets different seasons due to its revolutions around the sun and also the tilt of its axis. Even though the axis is titled at 23.5 degrees, the North Pole always points the same way.

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This is because the earth's axis is slightly tilted.

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Q: How does the earth get different seasons?
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Responsible for the different seasons on earth?

The earth's rotation is responsible for the different seasons on earth. The earth, of course, rotates on its axis.

Why the earth gets different seasons?

We have different seasons because the Earth is tilted at 23.5 degrees. The earth also revolves around the sun and that takes 365.25 days.

What would happen to the seasons if the earth was tilted on a different angle?

the seasons will change!!

How is the seasons created?

Because the earth's movement! Its seasons change because the different rotations.

which of the following is the cause for the different seasons on earth?

the way earth has a tilted axis

What causes your earth to have different seasons?

The earth moving further and closer to the sun.

Which hemispheres on earth experience different seasons?

both hemispheres on Earth experience different seasons. but only the part of earth near the equator have only one season and it's hot which is the tropical areas.

Why do different stars appear during different seasons?

Because earth is moving

Why can some different stars be seen in different seasons?

Earth spins on its axis

How Would The seasons different if earth were not titled on its axis .?

If the Earth's axis were not tilted relative to the plane of the ecliptic, we would not have any "seasons" at all.

How are different seasons caused?

Seasons are caused by earth's tilt on it's axis. As earth revolves around the sun, it's tilt causes different amounts of sunlight to reach the surface in certain areas. That's what causes the seasons.

Do you think It's better for Earth to have different seasons or better to have no seasons?

That is not my choice it depends in the climate and atmosphere.