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it just can=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=P

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Q: How does the sun cause all weather even rain and cold weather?
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What type of weather occurs as a warm front moves through an area?

Cold front: Brings thunderstorms ,snow, heavy rain, and cold dry air Warm front: Brings drizzly rain then clear weather, warm and humid air

Why is the weather more sever with a cold front?

When a cold fronT runs into warm moist air they have a battle.This brings rain sometimes very heavy,storms with hail chance of tornados like here in bama and the other places.There are certain times of the year that are worse than other times.El Nina is one cause of weather change and our climate change makes the weather even stronger.So cold fronts sweep down and hit the warm air which makes it severe.Look it up on google they will have more detail.I am just trying to make it simple.

What happens when the weather is hot and a cold front approaches?

Precipitation, usually in the form of rain, is a common reaction of a cold front when it meets a hot environment.

What was the weather like in ancient India?

well,in ancient india was warm. if it was rainy and you step outside you would be soaking wet.also the rain would be warm. but some of the weather is a disaster.some of the heavy rain would cause floods.finally if you want the climate too a kind of climate is a monsoons.

What is the similarities between a warm front ans a cold front?

The similarities between a warm front and a cold front are: * they are both fronts * they both form some type of clouds * they both produce some type of rain * they both have warm air rising * they both make some kind of weather TYPE OF : Clouds *Cold:produces different type of cumulus clouds *Warm:produces large area of stratus clouds,usually Rain *cold: heavy rain/T-storms *warm: slow steady Weather *cold: fair/cool after passing *warm:hot/humid after passing

Related questions

Which type of fronts cause violent weather?

Cold fronts cause violent weather, including heavy rain, strong winds, and thunderstorms.

How does the jet stream affect the weather of a particular area?

The various jet streams steer the weather (they push the fronts), as they move they can cause large changes in local weather (block rain or cause rain ... make it cold or hot).

How does weather effect the durability of my mosaic furniture?

Mosaic furniture should not be left out in freezing cold weather or in heavy rain. This type of weather can damage the furniture and cause it to rust.

Can you get a cold from going out in the rain?

You get sick with a cold or pneumonia from germs, not from exposure for short time periods in the cold. So the answer is no, you will just get more cold, not catch a common cold.

What weather conditions produce snow?

High humidity cold weather and rain.

What is the weather like in spring?

Its warm and rainy

Can you catch a cold from being out in the rain?

No, neither cold nor rain cause colds, but a virus does. There is no relationship between cold and the common cold. It is an old belief from before people knew about germs since most colds came at the same time as the colder weather. See the related questions for more details about this subject.

What weather happens at cold and warm air fronts?


What is the pronoun in this sentence The weather is cold It could rain?

The pronoun is "It".

What is the weather of the tropical rain forest?

The weather in the tropical rainforest can be wet dry hot or cold

How do warm fronts cold fronts affect the weather?

Warm fronts give rain and clouds, cold fronts cause skies to clear , together they cause tornado's and big storms. When a warm front moves in, the cold air is pushed up. There are clouds and possibly rain, then the opposite happens when a cold front moves in. Cold fronts move under and overtake the warm mass and go underneath. This causes the skies to clear because of the rapid change in air temperature. ANOTHER ANSWER. So basically, a warm front can bring hours or days of wet weather and steady rain. A cold front can bring thunderstorms and even tornadoes. A stationary front can bring light wind and precipitation.

What can cause larger rocks to weather?

Acid rain