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In a Scarlet Letter, the town at first hated her, but grew to accept her a little bit more as the years go on, giving her things for her to sew for them (but never anything for a wedding).

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Q: How does the town feel about Hester?
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How was Hester Prynne regarded in the community?

Hester becomes something of a novelty in town. Her needlework becomes sort of Puritan trendy. Her work for the poor becomes the stuff of legend around town. She sews pretty much for free. Hester takes her penance humbly which goes over well in town. Hester's "A" becomes known as "able" rather than adulterer.

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Arthur viewed the people saw him as an adulterer after the meeting with Hester.

Why is Hester prynne being shunned by the townsfolk in her town?

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Why does Hester prynne decide not to leave town?

Hester decides not to leave town because she believes it is her duty to stay and face her punishment for her sin. Additionally, she is determined to raise her daughter Pearl and believes that leaving would not be in Pearl's best interest. Hester also sees an opportunity for redemption and self-growth by staying in town and confronting the consequences of her actions.

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Hester came to be seen by townspeople as an adulteress after she was publicly shamed for having a child out of wedlock. This happened when she was forced to wear the scarlet letter "A" on her chest as punishment for her sin.

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Hester's husband, Roger Chillingworth, feels betrayed and vengeful about Hester's mistake of having an affair and bearing a child with another man. He goes to great lengths to conceal his identity and seek revenge on the man responsible for dishonoring his marriage.

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Yes, Hester and Lester are two boys in the book "Maniac Magee" by Jerry Spinelli. They are brothers who are known for causing trouble in the town of Two Mills.

What contrast does the narrator point out between Hester and Dimmesdale's ability to leave town?

The narrator highlights the difference in guilty conscience between Hester and Dimmesdale in their decision on whether to stay or leave town. Hester is publicly shamed and accepts her punishment, while Dimmesdale is tormented by his hidden sin and struggles to make a choice, ultimately impacting their ability to leave town.

What happens to Hester pearl and roger?

It is actually Hester that comes back, not Pearl. Pearl ends up marrying a wealthy Englishman and has kids of her own. She occasionally sent letters back to Hester after the mother moved back to the town with the letter adorned.

Why do the towns lawmakers feel that they were merciful to Hester concerning her punishment?

The town's lawmakers may feel they were merciful to Hester by not sentencing her to a harsher punishment such as death or imprisonment. Despite publicly shaming her with the scarlet letter, they may believe that allowing her to live and raise her child was an act of leniency. The laws and social norms of the time may have dictated that a punishment like public humiliation was considered merciful compared to more severe consequences.

Why did Hester live on the outside of town?

Hester lived on the outskirts of town because of her public shaming and her status as an outcast due to her adultery. The townspeople wanted to distance themselves from her sin and shame, so she was relegated to the outskirts as a form of punishment and to serve as a constant reminder of her transgression.